The picture is authentic. It was published in Time magazine and was taken 9/16/07 at an event in Indianola, Iowa where six Democratic presidential candidates appeared. It was Iowa Senator Tom Harkin's annual "meat and greet." The fourth person in the picture is Senator Harkin's wife, Ruth. Not seen in the picture are three other candidates who were standing out of view on the right side of the platform, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator John Edwards, Senator Joe Biden.
At question is what was going on with Senator Obama? His critics are circulating the picture and saying that he is not respecting the flag or the national anthem, especially since the protocol, according to the United States Flag code, is that civilians should have their right hands over their hearts and that they should be facing the flag. His supporters are saying that this little lapse should not be held against him since there have been plenty of other events at which he has saluted the flag---so it did not mean that he would, in principle, avoid doing it.
Some supporters have suggested that perhaps the picture does not tell the whole story and that he may have raised his hand shortly after it was taken.
An ABC News video, however, shows that Senator Obama did not salute at any time during the anthem and that everybody else on the platform did.
A spokesperson for the Senator told Fox News that it was ridiculous to suggest that Obama was making any kind of a statement and that sometimes "he does and sometimes he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the national anthem."
Updated 10/29/07
A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet::
had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!
Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.
Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????Why doesnt obama salute the flag?
I just don't understand this guy. How he can come off trying to become president and not even respect the values of our country. Not to mention, yesterday I seen on the news that he and his wife are saying stuff about trying to turn American's against their sinful ways and other things about changing the people of this country. I'm sorry, but your job as president is not to tell how people to live their lives. I don't like this guy. And I hope to goodness he doesn't become president. He doesn't deserve to run a country he doesn't respect.
The real deal is that Obama is freaking jewish and he didnt even swear into the U.S. senate on the bible, He used the muslim Bible!!!! The muslim religion is responsible for thousands of deaths in 2001..... think about it, the end of the world is near and OBAMA is the ANTI-CHRIST!!!!
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Why doesnt obama salute the flag?because our nation is nothing to be proud of currently.
that is just as fake as the people who said obama is a muslim
those are obama haters and its true, i dont care if you dont agree, its still true
why wont people stop making up fake stuff of obama!Why doesnt obama salute the flag?
My question of that photo is why is the shadow so much longer for Obama than the others. two all of them seem to be facing different directions. Note the man next to Obama is looking out the way not to his left as the others. It looks really like some bit of photoshop if you study it a bit more. shadows are totally different for all of them and the man next to Obama has not shadow at all. what is he a vampire? in fact he does have a small shadow. I do think it is a bit of photoshop really due to the fact of the shadows and it sure looks strange to me that the two women are facing the same direction the man is facing a totally different way and Obama is facing yet another totally different direction.
By the way I read Time magazine and I have looked through my back issues and in fact someone has joined three photos into one. Just as I thought. See the truth can be found out if you know and have the real magazine. The reason therefore for the different lengths in the shadow My dear watson is they were taken at different times.
I am a 25 year veteran of the Navy. I also know that the Pledge of Allegiance was written for the Boy Scouts' magazine over one hundred years ago and hasn't anything to do with one's qualification for office. At ball games I always remove my cap and place it over my heart during the playing of the National Anthem. I also sing the anthem, as opposed to the very few others who even know the words. Thanks to a new law I will be able to legally salute the flag this season during the playing of the National Anthem. I do this, even though I know that the playing of the National Anthem at base ball games can only trace its roots back to World War Two and that the Anthem itself was not the legal, official, National Anthem until the 1930s.
I also know that Senator Obama is a Christian. As for his middle name, I personally know two people whose family name is Hussein. It means "handsome" in Arabic. Both of these two people are Christians.
I have no intention to ever vote for electors pledged to the election of Barrack Hussein Obama as President should he gain the nomination of his party. But, I am getting sick and tired of those who oppose him because of a lot of incidental, non-important crap!
he is not proud to be a american.
I totally agree with what Rebel had to say. I am not against anyone who's Muslim but if you claim you're an American, you're expected to act like one.
because hes a muslim.
Wow you guys sound like a bunch of what if he didn't salute the flag once or twice.....lets stick to the issues...bring home the troops please!
Kenyan garb = Muslim turban?
Multicultural = Unamerican?
Not waving your flag hard enough = Unqualified to be president?
I think it's because he's black.
I am not american, but I could find many reasons not to salute your flag. Your nation is nothing to be proud of!
This is exactly what I keep trying to tell everyone. Why are Americans SOOO stupid to vote for someone who not only doesn't salute the flag, BUT wears a Turban on his head amongst his Muslim allies (possibly terrorists). Americans have to stop being fooled and realize that this guy can ruin our country even more than Bush has. So, that's most likely why he doesn't salute the flag......his ties aren't even with America. The job he has held as Senator is a cover up, otherwise explain the turban he once wore on his head.
If this sort of stuff is being dragged out, along with the meeting he had years ago with the '60's Bombers', Obama must have really rattled the Clinton team! This sort of muck raking can be revealing in more ways that one you know -
PS I'm British and our politicians panic and start digging for dirt when they whiff defeat.
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