Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why am I so inexplicably happy?

It all started two days ago with a guy who I know has a massive crush on me asking me to prom, even though I'm gay (which he should have realized by now. I haven't exactly been hiding it). I said no politely, and proceeded to text my friend Ruth all about it. We're close. We've known each other since we were about nine, but we only really got to see each other in the summer until we were 13, when we started seeing each other outside of summer camp. The joke going around camp was that we were dating, and we played along and acted like it.

You see, everyone on the camps has known each other for ages, so there is a natural kind of pair-bonding thing, where couples split off from the group either intentionally or by choice. Katie and Chris, Kate and Ben, Emily and Ben K, me and Ruth. And, as what probably happens at a lot of large gatherings of teenagers, there is kissing, groping and making out, either by choice or dare. For me and Ruth, kissing was predominantly by dare...except the biting. That was choice.

So, I asked Ruth to prom. And she said yes. I actually did a little twirl when she said yes. I hadn't realized how much I wanted her to say yes until she actually did. We're meeting up on Saturday. Even though she doesn't go to my school, I'm going to bring her to prom if it kills me. We've been texting and facebook-ing almost constantly since, and a lot of our texts are ending in 'xxx' or '鈾モ櫏鈾?#039;. Am I developing a little crush on Ruth?

Ruth's bisexual. Neither of us usually end texts in 'xxx' or '鈾モ櫏鈾?#039;, so this is kind of unusual for me.Why am I so inexplicably happy?
Enjoy yourself. Being happy and learning gto be happy is a beautiful thing no matter who it is. I'd say you are falling for her.

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