Thursday, February 23, 2012

How can we stop wasteful and abusive spending of our tax dollars?

How can we stop this?? Read on -

Among some of the examples reported by the GAO was an Agricultural Department employee who paid $642,000 to a live-in boyfriend. That money was apparently used for gambling and car and mortgage payments, among other things.

At the U.S. Postal Service workers expensed $14,000 on Internet dating and a Ruth's Chris Steakhouse dinner for 81 people.

The Pentagon tab has $77,000 for clothing, accessories and sporting goods. Among the charges were $45,000 at Brooks Brothers and other high-end stores that make custom suits.

And a State Department employee spent $360 on lingerie at Seduccion Boutique supposedly to be used for jungle training in Ecuador.

The GAO also found that agencies could not account for nearly $2 million worth of items identified in the audit -- including laptop computers, digital cameras and, at the Army, more than a dozen computer servers worth $100,000 each.,2933,3486鈥?/a>鈥?/a> can we stop wasteful and abusive spending of our tax dollars?
As conscientious voters we need to review what our Senators and Representatives are voting and on how much they are adding in the way of 'pork' to the bills as they move through committee and to the floor for votes. I hear people defend 'earmarks' and 'pork' as necessary, I don't agree, if they want to fund a special project then put it in the form of a bill in the House or Senate and let the members vote on it. These special projects would not get passed because of the media attention to things like $2 million to study earwigs, or something stupid like that. A 'Line Item Veto' law was passed a few years ago but it was declared unconstitutional because it was a violation of the separation of powers law.

If they don't vote the way we feel they should, then vote them out and let them know that your voting against them and why! I wrote Mel Martinez from Florida and told him to warm up his resume 'cause he would be looking for work. Write and tell them how you want them to vote and if they don't vote your way then vote them out.
Vote for those who won't do that.How can we stop wasteful and abusive spending of our tax dollars?
Every purchase or use of money that these government people want to make should be brought before groups of 'regular' Americans for approval. I know I would never approve any of this waste.
thats nothing. usa spends $700 billion a year on military. its got military bases in places that it doesnt need them. basically, you got a bunch of soldiers sitting around doing nothing. if you want to cut budgets, we should look at unecesary expenses such as homeland security. homeland security spends at least $40 billion a year. the govt hypes the people up and scares them into thinking they need all this security. then hires all these people so money goes in their pockets. it reminds me of an audio shop that used to go out and steal peoples car stereos, so that they victims would go to the shop and buy new stereos. with that said, arnold schwarzeneger also spends huge amounts of money on his private jet flying to all parts of the world. as far away as china. he also keeps a hyatt hotel room, costing $6000 a month. How can we stop wasteful and abusive spending of our tax dollars?
First of all, the $642,000 is quite expensive; however though, you can find reasonable apartment rates that have no lease, no pets, all utillities paid for, equiped with everything that you need, still pay for a friend or boyfriend by splitting the bills, right in the city and food and clothing at a minimun wage job working a straight 35 hour work week in a federal position from Mon-Fri at 9:00am-5:00pm with a one hour break, a 15 minute late window on Mon and a leave early 15 minute window on Fri with 30 days off in which your lunch break is from 12:00pm-1:00pm and/or a feonsay, or a husband or a wife for only $500 a month or every 30 days; even know, as for the 81 people, I would never take that many people out because it is just a waste of money. $77,000 for clothing, what I would do is actually make a bargan through Pentagon that states and I quote, "Hey, if I buy this much clothing, then could you give me a deal on this, like take off a percent or even a amount?" and I unquote. No $45,000 will be spent on custom suites because I am an averige guy. I'm not to big and I'm surely not to small; besides, I only where size 11 shoes and no $360 for me either to because I do not purchase special flowers for anyone. The lab top computers we do need however though, but the Army needs to be pulled out of the war so that they can use their own personalized computer settings at their house, not the buisness ones; damn it, no wonder why we aren't winning this war and why it's taking so much time; it's all because the dang Army is playing on their computer servers which are more than a dozen worth $100,000 instead of searching for the bad guys and that's why we need to vote for Barack Obama because it's time to make the change!
  • mcdonalds monopoly
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